How I manage my Depression

Daily writing prompt
What strategies do you use to cope with negative feelings?

I was first diagnosed with Depression in my early twenties, since then I have developed several key ways to help me deal with some of the more intrusive negative thoughts and feelings. This is obviously anecdotal, as I’m only talking from personal experience based on what I have found useful, what works for me might not work for others, also I’m not a mental health professional, so whether there’s any actual scientific basis to what I do if I’m feeling low to make me feel better is disputable.

Firstly, I listen to music, mostly Rock and Metal music and their various sub-genres. There’s something about Heavy Metal, or Death Metal etc in particular, that is cathartic to listen to, I have no idea what exactly, but I always feel better after listening to it. I always feel my sadness lift and anger and frustration melt away. I don’t know if there’s ever been any studies on how metal music affects mood, but I, for one, would be interested to find out! Other music helps too, but Rock and Metal are my go-to most of the time.

I recently started doing regular long walks again, after doing them on and off over the years. Getting out in to the fresh air and just getting moving always helps me. I don’t walk particularly fast or anything like that and I stop every so often if I see something interesting or find a bench with a nice view, just watching and listening to the world around me, in a local park can be very relaxing.

Speaking of exercise, I try and do weightlifting two to three times a week, similarly to metal music I think there’s something cathartic about. If life has got you frustrated and a bit annoyed, taking those feelings out on making yourself stronger and lifting, helps relieve those feelings and burdens. Even on days that I might not feel like it, if I just go and do something, anything, I come away feeling better for it.

Current favourite hobbies of mine are video games and Warhammer 40K. I find both of these hobbies really relaxing. With video games there are so many great stories and characters you can get lost and get emotionally invested in that by the time you put the controller down you have gone through a whole range of different emotions and can be in a great mood when you’re done. With Warhammer, it’s all about concentrating on building the models and then painting them in a style of your choice, it’s almost meditative and trance inducing, hours fly by really quickly without you realising it.

Maybe people can try these things or not to help them when they need it, maybe they have their own things, I’m not judging, people deal with their own stuff in their own way, I just hope that they find their own way to happiness. There are so many people struggling that it’s important to help each other in any way they can. I’d be interested to hear how other people deal with negativity in their lives as a comparison.


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Fate and Destiny

Daily writing prompt
Do you believe in fate/destiny?

Do I believe in Fate and Destiny? Short answer, No, not really! Now for the long answer. I think there are things that are beyond a person’s control, but I don’t think I would call them fate or destiny.

Fate and or destiny suggest that people don’t have control of their own lives. There might be the odd things or two that might be out of their hands, but then it’s on a person to react to things happening around them. Whether it be actively changing what they can change, or just plainly accepting the things that they can’t.

I believe life is too chaotic for a lot of things to be predetermined. A person still has to act on something, even if it might be subconsciously. Their decisions or actions may vary based on how they were brought up, things that have happened in their lives, or the environment they find themselves in, amongst other things, but I still believe that a person can consciously make decisions regardless of these decisions or aware of these things affecting their mindset or biases.

Every choice matters and has its own consequences, and this is a more important, stronger driving force in life than fate or destiny. Alternatively, I believe the argument of nature versus nurture is a more intrinsic in how people make decisions, how their brain works and how they were brought up is a more potent driver to how they eventually come to make decisions. Of course, there are other factors that come into play when it comes to an individual making choices with their lives and how they live them.

I also believe a person’s conscious and subconscious thinking has a role to play in how a person decides to act and what they actively choose to do or how they feel compelled to act. Their world view, their ethics and morals also guide them through life, whether they are always aware of it, while they are acting on something is another factor.

In conclusion, there are too many factors in life to leave down to fate or destiny. These concepts feel too simplistic and vague to me, they ignore so many things and disregard nuance. They can also give the feeling that a person doesn’t have any modicum of control on their lives, where in reality I believe a person has more control than they realise, and they can decide how things play out in their own lives, in spite of hurdles, rather than just letting themselves get pushed down a path that they didn’t want to go down.


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Daily writing prompt
Are you patriotic? What does being patriotic mean to you?

To be honest patriotism and being patriotic is a weird idea and concept to me. I don’t know if any other millenials (or any other generation, for that matter), feel the same way. Being patriotic or loyal to the country you were born simply for being born there, seems illogical. I guess, if the country where you were born has anything to be proud of, then it kind of makes sense, but given the state of the U.K. (or anywhere really) recently, is there an awful lot to be proud of, in the grand scheme of things, anymore. So I guess you could say I’m not patriotic.

It used to be that there may be the odd thing to be proud of in the U.K. but that’s changed for the worse even in my lifetime. Take a look at how we treat each other, whether we’re native or immigrant, it used to be we were fairly accepting of other people and we would welcome a lot of different people in regardless of country, culture, ethnicity or anything else you care to mention, but now it seems like we’ve almost be seperated and set against each other, like to be different is to be lesser. We are all so tribal now and it’s bad or wrong to associate with others.

Then theres things like mismanagement and underfunding of the NHS by consecutive governments (as much as I want to the blame the Conservatives for this, I think Labour have done just as bad with the NHS). The NHS is such a key institution here in the U.K. and one that we the people should be fighting tooth and nail to keep. Plus I’m of many, many, people alive today who probably owe their lives to the NHS and to see it being driven in to the ground is beyond alarming and depressing.

It’s not even just the NHS either anymore, infrastucture up and down the country in general feels like it’s falling apart, that combined with the fact that we seem to be paying more for almost exponentially diminishing returns, makes me feel like something just truly horrific is just around the corner. it seems like people are expendable and not worth looking after, or deserving of anything for any hard work or taxes that they pay. Their only worth is as a worker drone and they should be happy with that and be ok with that’s what their life is.

Being patriotic is fine if there’s something worth being patriotic about, but blind patriotism just seems damaging and a little bit ignorant. I think you’ve also got to realise that no country is perfect and there will be critics of countries who have legitimate concerns and/or criticisms, which is totally reasonable. I personally don’t think theres much left, if anything, to be patriotic of in this country anymore, but I suppose I am willing to be disproven, if anyone can suggest anything to actually be proud of.

I realise that this is a nihilistic take but it just feels like any optimism has been sucked out of the topic of wether it’s worth standing up for and being proud of the U.K., especially when realisticly what is there to be patriotic about anymore. Probably best not to go into some of the horrific stuff the British Empire is said to have done in the name of Britain, the monarchy and god, that could be another can of worms entirely.


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Future or past?

Daily writing prompt
Do you spend more time thinking about the future or the past? Why?

Recently, I have been thinking more about the future than the past.Thanks to ADHD medication I now feel like I have a future to build and look forward to. I know I’ve talked about this before in previous posts, but I don’t think I can overstate how life changing it has been!

I hadn’t even considered that the depression I had been suffering with for a decade, might be a symptom of untreated ADHD or if they were connected. before I never had a plan for the future because I didn’t see one for myself. I spent so much time, effort and energy just trying to survive! Now on the whole I feel much more positive about my future, I feel like I can set goals for myself and have a path to follow.

I want to create a portfolio of intersting content whether it be written or on my YouTube channel. I’ve also decided I want to write a book, I have a few ideas and the beginning of a first chapter, but now I feel like it’s worth finishing. My future has never looked like this before, I’ve always struggled beyond just trying to survive the day and not capitulating to some of my more intrusive thoughts. I have so many ideas that I want to try and expeiment with.

For those interested, The YouTube channel is called Beardo Bloggins (it can be found here). The purpose of the channel is for me to talk about various things concerning Neurodiversity and what living with Autism, ADHD and Dyspaxia is like. Some of the topics I’ve talked about include Passive Demand Avoidance and Executive Dysfunction.

Now that I have a future to think about I can’t help but get excited about it and plan for what I want to do! It is like a great burden has been lifted and I feel more free than I ever have, so onwards and upwards from here!

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2023, A Year of Personal Positives.

Here we are on Boxing Day 2023 (26/12/23)! With the year drawing to a close it’s only natural to do some reflecting on how the year has gone by. So how was 2023? For me, it has been a pretty good year!

I finally started ADHD medication, in May of this year, after being diagnosed towards the end of 2022, October or November, I think. Let me Tell you it has been a profoundly life changing event, in a very postive way! being on medication has helped me in so many ways, not just with my ADHD. It has helped with my depression and anxiety, I have lost weight, which is something I’ve struggled with for a while, I’m sleeping better, there’s a whole lot more I could rattle off here about how it’s helped in different ways that I wasn’t expecting.

My life suddenly has clarity and direction, I feel like I have a future worth living now, which this time last year, heck even in early May of this year, I didn’t have. I was drifting, struggling just to survive. I’ve written on this blog before about struggling with being suicidal and not seeing my worth, or the worth to life, how different my outlook is now! Now I feel like I can achieve anything and have a clear goal and a path to follow!

At the end of last year I started a YouTube channel (search Beardo Bloggins on YouTube to find it). The purpose of the channel was to talk to people about my own experiences of not just being newly diagnosed with ADHD, but also what it was like growing up with Autism and Dyspraxia (diagnosed at 13 and 8 resectively). Now the channel has 145 subscribers, which is amazing! I’ve really been enjoying creating content that people enjoy and find useful and I have more plans for this channel going forwards; so keep your eyes peeled!

Of course there were othe highlights this year. I had the good fortune, as a Manchester City fan to be in Istanbul, Turkey, for the Champions League Final, which was amazing! I went with my Dad for a long weekend, so we were able to have a few “tourist days” either side of the day of the final. Of course, winning the game helped made the weekend even more special! Travelling around the city was fascinating, it’s such a different culture, and seeing all the different mosques, was really interesting. Being outside at the Blue Mosque and Hagia Sophia during friday prayers was a special expercience, even thought I’m not a Muslim or especially religious, it did raise the hairs on the back of my neck. We obviously couldn’t miss the opportunity to go visit the half of the city that lays on the Asian continent, so that we could say that we’ve visited Asia in our lifetimes.

Other highlights include my Mums wedding, it was a great day and it’s always good to see the extended family and hear how their lives are going and catching up with them. Speaking of mum, she released her book in november, which is based on her mother and aunts diaries from late World War Two Germany. My Oma and her sister were German and after they passed away, a collection of diaries were discovered and reading the book now there were some harrowing stories and I feel like I learnt a new perspective on history that I didn’t have before.

On the whole I feel much more positive about life and how things are right now! I haven’t felt this good in years, which to be honest is a nice change. For so long, I struggled with depression and who I was, why wasn’t like eveyone else? Why was I fighting so hard just to exist? Now i feel like I’m on a steadier path, coming out of the darkness and shrugging off an all consuming weight. I am now at the true beginning of my life and now it is time to make the most of it!

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Learning about Autism Speaks and why so many autistic people despise them

While I’ve been trying to be more involved in Neurodivergent communities across various social media platforms, I had the misfortune to discover Autism Speaks, the American “advocacy” charity.

Most people would recognise their puzzle piece logo, even if they weren’t sure where it came from. Safe to say some of the things I’ve come across have been pretty abhorrent, from pretty harmful therapy techniques, including electroshock therapy, all the way to believing in eugenics and believing autism is something that needs to be cured and eradicated. Not to mention less than 10% of there funding goes to “supporting” autistic people.

I would not be who I am if I wasn’t autistic and the fact there is an advocacy charity out there that believes I need to be cured as if I’m some sort of disease is pretty upsetting to say the least. I’m only just starting to love who I am, having struggled with it for most of my life. I’ve been in some bad mental states, thinking I would be better off not being here, because of my autism. But now I know that that mentality was wrong and I’m in a better place, the best place I’ve been in ever mentally.

Autism is a big part of who I am, it drives pretty much who I am and it is the lense through which I view the world. Without it I am an entirely different person. To think there are people out there who want to cure me, or genetically test foetuses so parents can decide if they want their child to be born, or to plan how to counteract their behaviours and suppress who they are, so the parents don’t have to put up with it, is very distressing.

Back to autism speaks, what I want people to do is read up on them and why so many autistic people despise them and listen to those voices. Because that’s largely where autism speaks fails, big time. They would rather silence autistic people, than have them expose them for the danger they pose to us.

After reading up on Autism Speaks I just wanted to get this off my chest. They are a danger to autistic people and people need to see why.

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Answering Peoples Questions On Autism, Dyspraxia and ADHD

Recently I started A YouTube channel called Beardo Bloggins after I was diagnosed with ADHD just before Christmas 2022. The point of this channel was to show what life ws like for neurodivergent people as I also have Autism and Dyspraxia. I wanted to show what live was like through my eyes but also educate people on the things we face, but also answer any questions they might have about Autism, ADHD and Dyspraxia. I asked on various social media platform for people to send in their questions and I’ve included them and the answers below. There will also be video versions available at I would greatly appreciateif anyone has any additional questions they want to know about, The more the merrier as they say!

What is a challenge you faced as a child you wish you had (more) support with?

This is an interesting question, because the more I think about it the more I wonder, did I have any support growing up at all! Autism was still the “new” thing to be diagnosed with, like it seemed like the average person knew next to nothing about. School was a challenge because the infrastructure to help autistic people just didn’t exist. I remember being put in extra English classes as a kid with the dyslexic kids because that’s all there was and that was pretty much the same as no help at all.

I always struggled with verbalising the things I had problems with, I still do to a certain extent. I feel like having someone to just talk to would have been a big help I guess, someone to help learn to verbalise what I was feeling. I always felt like that my problems were too big, and I didn’t want to burden anyone because no one would be able to help me because I couldn’t explain what the issue was there was no point trying to do so.

Having help with opening about things and being encouraged to be myself rather than what neurotypical people wanted me to be and having the outlet or a place where I could do it comfortably.

It’s hard to answer this question fully really because any support would have been good. I feel like this goes for a lot of neurodivergent people too, we’ve all had to wing it, not being able to communicate what we need and going to into a bit of a frustration spiral, to the point where we just bottle up everything because we don’t have the right outlet.

I think peer support can be useful, having other neurodivergent people to talk to and share experiences with can be useful, but even having neurotypical people willing to listen and share hyper-fixations with. I guess being included probably goes a long way too, just having been able to express ourselves in ways that we feel comfortable with and being reassured and being validated.

What are things you think everyone should know about your personal experience with ADHD & Dyspraxia that you feel differs from the stereotypes?

What I don’t think people realise about having Dyspraxia or ADHD, is how hard we as Neurodivergent people must work to fit in. Or how hard it is to present a certain way so that we don’t present the stereotypes either. It is a constant battle too; we supress all our “negative” emotions or behaviours because we don’t want to make neurotypical people uncomfortable. I’m personally new to ADHD having only been diagnosed in November last year. So, I’m still figuring how stereotype could have affected me negatively, most people knew I was autistic, so they explained them away that way. I’m not sure there are enough people that know what dyspraxia is for there to be stereotypes really.

I think neurotypical people don’t realise that we want to be included in things too, we want to be part of the friend group. We want to be involved in the things that you do, but we want you to know that once we’re done, we’re done and we’ll take ourselves away, if we can. I guess I want people to be aware how much energy it requires to do things, but that our energy levels are different every day, and can fluctuate or be recharged.

For ADHD, the main stereotype I feel is that we’re all go all the time and people are unintentionally ignorant of this as well. Not all of us are mega fidgeters or can’t sit still, some of us are inattentive or take a lot of energy to get going but we get something that get us that dopamine fix we sometimes can’t stop.

Every ADHD person is different and presents in various ways, some it’s obvious because we do things that fit the stereotype, but ADHD is a spectrum in it’s one right sometimes and it affects different people based on all sorts of things like age or gender or a person’s environment.

What would be advice/comfort you would give yourself at the ages of 5, 10, and 15?

I suppose the over-arching advice would be “it will get better” which I know is corny and cliché as hell, but I feel like it applies in my case. When I was 5, I was very ill for about 18 months to two years with an autoimmune disease call Henoch Schoenlein which badly effected my kidneys, to the point when I needed part of one of my kidneys removed and blood transfusions and various other unpleasant symptoms. So, I guess I would let 5-year-old me know that I survive, that although it’s going to be hard for a long time, but you’ll get there eventually.

At 10, I had only recently been diagnosed with Dyspraxia, I think I still had questions about myself and life, I would tell myself to keep up the hard work and be communicative, let people know that you’re struggling and stand up for yourself, make sure you’re heard, most people assume that because you’re not kicking up a fuss, or presenting stereotypical neurodivergent traits, that everything is ok.

At 15 I had been diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome 2 years ago, I was still trying to figure out who I was, I still am, I guess. I felt so out of place, like I wasn’t where I was supposed to be, and I felt so out of control. I was told “Autistic People are good at maths, science, I.T. and puzzle solving, that’s that is what I should be choosing for G.C.S.E.’s and planning as a future career”, I was ok at all those things at 15/16 that I just went with it, even though I wasn’t that interested in it.

My advice for 15-year-old me would be to choose your own path, do what you want to do and again stand your ground. I spent so much time and energy studying things that I wasn’t interested in at all whatsoever, because I thought that would make over people happy. I was told that would be something I would thrive in, my academic record post 16 would probably suggest otherwise.

Also learn to communicate that you’re feeling burnout or what you want to do and why you want to do it, it’s ok to have your own opinions.

What was the most positive thing that has come from your diagnosis?

The diagnosis that has had the biggest positive impact on my life has been my ADHD diagnosis as I’ve said in a previous video there have been so many far-reaching positives in so many aspects of my life that being in the place, I am now, I can achieve things that I’ve been wanting to do for years.

With my Autism and Dyspraxia diagnosis I feel like no-one knew what to do with me really because I’m on the “mild end” of the spectrum. I was very much left to my own devices and had to try and figure it out myself.

What is your favourite go-to for comfort/support during an overwhelming moment?

This might be a strange answer but Metal music and its various sub-genres, that or taking myself away from a scenario and just being by myself for a bit. I don’t know what it is about metal music, it’s sort of cathartic in a way. If I’m having a bad day just listening to the music, helps me calm down.

I suppose you could also say that I probably stress eat too, but I’m working on that, especially now I feel a bit more in control of my life, I feel like I have the capability to do that.

I’ve also started using meditation recently to help, I’ve discovered “Green Noise” which is like white noise but deeper in pitch, it helps turn my brain off or quieten it slightly.

Do you feel properly represented in society/media? If not, what would that look like to you?

No, there so many stereotypes that I feel don’t represent neurodiversity at all and when it does get represented, they get it so wrong or the represent such a narrow view in what it’s like being on the autistic spectrum or having ADHD. I hate the character Sheldon Cooper on the show The Big Bang Theory for this reason, it’s such a caricature of what it’s like to be autistic and he shows very little character development, or how it really is an autistic adult. Sometimes I feel like we kind of get pushed aside in society, no-one really wants to support us because there’s no one solution fits all for neurodivergence. People don’t realise how diverse we are as a group of people, not ever autistic is a nonverbal robot, who can’t show emotion, rocking in the corner playing with model trains of Lego. Not every ADHD person is a fidgety, hyperactive, easily distractable person who operates at a hundred miles an hour.

The biggest help will be for people to listen to us and not immediately dismiss what we’re saying because it doesn’t fit their preconceived notions of us.

What needs do people with ADHD & Dyspraxia have that you would like to see supported in schools/the workplace?

Anything really, ADHD and Dyspraxia is so underrepresented in school and the workplace, especially Dyspraxia. The problem is that because there is no one size fits all approach for neurodivergent people schools, businesses and neurotypical people just don’t invest in putting support in place because bespoke support for us would, most likely, deemed too expensive or unnecessary. So many people told in school or university “use it or lose it” when it came to what little support that they did offer, that more often than not, support was often withdrawn because I didn’t need it all day everyday or it was deemed inappropriate because I “wasn’t autistic enough”. People need to be flexible with their support and it needs to be lead by the person who needs it, rather that, “this is what you get, take it or leave it”.

What types of experiences with ADHD & Dyspraxia are you wanting to share on your platform and why?

I want to share all sorts of experiences on here, the whole point of this platform is for learn from someone who is living them. Of course, I am only one person so I can only offer my own experience of certain things, but I hope I can also put certain general things into some form of context. I want people to come here and learn, sometimes to be entertained, sometimes to see the world from a different perspective. I certainly don’t believe I speak for all neurodivergent people, but I hope to provide one of many perspectives.

What tools, items, types of support, and/or content creators would you recommend to someone just diagnosed?

As far as content creators go, me obviously, is my first choice. I’ve only recently been looking for neurodivergent creators myself really, who focus on being neurodivergent, so I’m still on that journey of discovery. Although I recently discovered Paige Layle, Connor De Wolfe and Jeremy Andrew Davis on TikTok.

I like to use the CALM app to relax and meditate, some people like using fidget toys or spinners, with different tactile surfaces and things to touch.

I’ve not really accessed many tools or support systems in my life so it’s hard to recommend any because people will react differently to one thing or another.

What are common misconceptions that you would like to correct?

That all neurodivergent people are not the same, is probably the big one. Sure, we may have things that we struggle with in common, but two different people will struggle with the same thing in different ways. It’s a bit like saying all neurotypical people are the same.

That all autistic people are good at maths. I was ok at maths at secondary school level. Beyond that I don’t really understand a lot of it. Same goes for science and I.T. really, I have a vague idea about how computers work and what happens in the background while you’re using them but I’m terrible at coding and I certainly wouldn’t know how to maintain the back-end stuff that goes on in the background.

Another autistic one is that we have no emotions or don’t understand them. Some of us have a better grasp on emotions than others and we pick these things up as we grow older. For some emotions are so intense they don’t know to process or regulate them which can be a cause for meltdowns.

For ADHD it’s probably that we’re hyperactive and overly energetic. I have inattentive ADHD so more often that not I’m the opposite most of the time. Yes, there are more than one type of ADHD. That’s probably a separate one.

I suppose on that fits both autism and ADHD is that both affect boys and girls, men and women, children and adults differently. An autistic/ADHD child will develop into a an autistic/ADHD adult and present differently than they would have done as a child.

Posted in ADHD, Autism, blogging, Mental Illness/Health, Neurodivergent Life | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

Is AI art still art?
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Having fun with AI art

Recently I discovered an AI bot named Midjourney, a bot hosted on a server in an app called Discord, which is a chatroom and community app. It is an AI that produces pictures for members of the server, who can get twenty five free images or can pay for membership which is a monthly subscription that has multiple tiers. After doing a bit of a play around with the trial version of the AI, I decided to subscribe to basic tier to allow me to play around a bit more and discover what different kinds of things Midjourney could do.

The AI works by taking prompt words from the user and producing a two by two grid of images based on the details it has received from the user in 60 seconds. There seems to be very few limits on what the AI can do and how it quickly each prompt is processed.

Users then have the option to either upscale any or all of the images produced by the AI. Some of the results that I personally have received from the AI after giving it different prompts have been seriously impressive, I’ll include examples below with the word prompts that I gave to produce the images

2×2 grid of “A fantasy world hidden in a wardrobe”
Upscale of “A fantasy world hidden in a wardrobe”
Upscale of “A fantasy world hidden in a wardrobe”
Upscale of “A fantasy world hidden in a wardrobe”
Upscale of “A fantasy world hidden in a wardrobe”
2×2 grid of “A Viking arriving at the gates of Valhalla”
“A Viking arriving at the gates of Valhalla”
“A Viking arriving at the gates of Valhalla”
“A Viking arriving at the gates of Valhalla”
“A Viking arriving at the gates of Valhalla”
“Storm in a teacup”
“Storm in a teacup”
“Storm in a teacup”
“Storm in a teacup”
“Storm in a teacup”
“Dew drops on blades of grass”
“Dew drops on blades of grass”
“Dew drops on blades of grass”
“Dew drops on blades of grass”
“Dew drops on blades of grass”
“A lightning strike on an Oak tree”
“A lightning strike on an Oak tree”
“A lightning strike on an Oak tree”
“A lightning strike on an Oak tree”
“A lightning strike on an Oak tree”
“A galaxy of stars being reflected in a lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains”
“A galaxy of stars being reflected in a lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains”
“A galaxy of stars being reflected in a lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains”
“A galaxy of stars being reflected in a lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains”
“A galaxy of stars being reflected in a lake surrounded by snow-capped mountains”

I started off thinking it would be interesting to experiment and see what sorts of interesting images it could produce, before moving on to images that were photorealistic or close to looking as real as possible. I thought it would be interesting to see an artificial intelligences interpretation of different real world artifacts and how to render them to look a certain way. I felt like if I could get something to look like a photo it might make for some interesting subjects.

With a new month coming soon with a credit reset for paying members I look forward to more experimenting and seeing what the AI can do and what new features the hardworking staff are working on in the background and I look forward to seeing what they are.

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Mead Making

Over the last 9 months or so, something I have been experimenting with has been making Mead. I have done a couple of batches with varying success on quality and like with my chilli plants it’s still very much a learning process.

Spiced Apple mead

When I tell people that I’m brewing mead, they often say something along the lines of “How Medieval of you” or “like the Vikings?” but it has roots much older and more further east that Europe, having had forebearers potentially identified in clay pots from China as far back as 7000 BCE, it’s first theoretical appearance in Europe come from residual samples taken from samples thought to date from roughly 2800-1800 BCE and it is believed its earliest written description comes from old religious texts (the Rigveda) from a precursor to Hinduism (Vedism), Aristotle is said to have been a fan of the drink as well.

Blueberry and Cherry mead

Mead is known as “honey wine” honey being what is being fermented, along with water, to create alcohol. Like wine its sweetness can vary depending on how much honey is in it or how much is consumed by the yeast before the yeast’s alcohol tolerance is reached. It can be flavoured with various fruit, to make things even more interesting, from example I have flavoured mine with things like blueberries and cherries, apples and spices, chillies, as well as citrus fruits, all with varying success and interesting flavours.

Like my chilli growing, I kind of started doing it to see if I could do it and now part of me wants to do it properly and really experiment with it to see where I can take it as a side project. There are so many sub-categories of mead that you could wing it and find what sticks, like I have done so far, but you could also nail the process and make it an exact science using almost laboratory grade equipment. Depending on what kind of fruit you brew your mead with, it technically becomes another type of drink, like how ale and larger are different types of beer. For example, pretty much all mead brewed with fruit is called a Melomel and then under that banner depending on what fruit it is, it will have a different name i.e. mead with apple is a Cyser, a Rubamel is mead with raspberries.

spiced apple, blueberry and cherry and a chilli flavoured mead

The process of making mead itself can be relatively straightforward, once everything is clean and sterilised, it can be as simple as leaving the ingredients, Water, honey and yeast, in a container with an air lock to allow any gases to escape, or you can go full professional brewery about it and have a sophisticated setup to create a very precise drink. I definitely belong in the “simple as possible camp” at the moment, I figure while it taste good there’s no need to complicate things or make things harder than they need to be, although certain parts of it could be a lot more efficient.

More experimenting is on the horizon though, so watch this space. I have, I think, an interesting idea for my next batch of mead and it’ll be interesting to see if it works or not, but some more research and planning needs to be done I think, so we shall see what comes of it, a lockdown does seem like the best time to become a bit of a mad scientist.

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